Wednesday, October 12, 2011

the gladiator roar

felt like giving one today..

tonight at the gym i did 15mins(4.5KMs!!!) on the elliptical trainer or steps. 
then i did another 15mins(8KMs!!!) on the stationary bike. 

i can really feel that my stamina has indeed increased. barely pants of out of breath. 

i did 60 sit ups. 120 Oblique crunches (60each sides). 40 leg raises 

and i am happy to report that i am now 123kg.

Tuesday, October 4, 2011

been a while

been a while but i'm glad to say that i am losing weight since i started posting this blog.

i am now 125kg. regularly visits the gym. and still losing weight.

just that it seemed hard to break this 125kg wall. been at this weight for a month now.

my stamina however has increased.
my cycling sessions now cover 6km in 10mins then 5km and less when i started.
on the stepper i now do 3kms in 10mins.

i still have problems with the treadmill. i get motion sickness that i don't plan to repeat. so i have been stalling that since. maybe i should give it a try again.

size wise i have lost inches on my waist and all my shirt sizes are losing its extra Xs

great news huh?

to sum it off I AM HAPPY

Sunday, September 11, 2011

i lost count

shit i lost count how many days it was.

but great news.

havent check my weight for the past week. but my waistline dropped.

it is now 46 inches. yeah.. from 56...
lost 10 inches baby

Saturday, August 20, 2011

reboot day 36: progress

10 august

12 August
5.21 km


in case you are wondering the pics are from the monitor on the stationary bike at the gym. 
note the time is the same. +/- a sec difference. but notice the distance. it increases. although not much but it makes a big difference. 

in my first post i said that i will not turn to pill, slimming center or any other artificial ways to lose weight, because to me it does not work. it will burn a hole in your wallet thats for sure. but are you healthy losing weight that way?

 sometimes people forget that being healthy is much more important than losing weight. to me losing weight is a bonus. remember the main thing is to stay fit. 

if you have read my recent posts i had only returned to the gym after i finally had my tooth reconstructed and finally the pain is gone. so the pics actually speak for themselves really. after 3 trips from about 2 weeks away from the gym i was poor to start with. then the stamina returned after only three trips. 

losing weight is indeed a slow process. don't rush. never rush. give your body time to adjust to your new routine.

i feel healthier. i feel better. and i feel lighter. 
i now weigh 125kg. 

so get off those pills. leave those slimming centers. grab your running shoes get out there and jog. hit the gym, grab your bicycle, and cycle your way to a healthier life. 

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

reboot day 26 part 2:

no complains from the teeth,

so after 2weeks hiatus. today i went back to the gym. couldn't finish the usual routine. stopped after 1hr30mins.

 and vomited. bleargh!!! Xp

reboot day 26: i hope this works

again i went to the dentist. swapped the temporary filling to the permanent one.
just hope it works this time. i am planning to go to the gym tonight.

its been almost 2 weeks. hope fully i can still keep my old timing up.

Monday, August 8, 2011

reboot day 24: GREAT NEWS

i lost 2 more kilos.
wohoo... total weight loss is now 6kg in a month and 1 week.

sadly i've been missing my gym trips for the past week due to this tooth ache.

yup its still there. and i hate it.

Friday, August 5, 2011

reboot day 21: damn tooth ache..

can't focus on anything because of the toothache. no exercises, no trip to the gym and all sorts. 
been on painkillers for the past three days. and its not fun either. when bowed it hurt even more. let alone standing.

i went to the dentist too. to get some opinion.

it was actually one of my teeth that has a big gaping hole. and for the past few month the tooth is actually giving away. chipping little by little. i wanted to extract it. but the dentist said the root is still strong. and i was glad that she is being honest with me she told me if i want to go ahead with it its gonna cost although not a fortune, but a lot.

so she said she'll put fillings instead and hope that it'll stop the pain but what she didn't say is how long would it take for the ache will go away.


Monday, August 1, 2011

reboot day seventeen: Fasting month

its fasting month now.
a doctor told me that i should take advantage of this. it should help me lose more weight, faster. but note highlighted the word 'IT SHOULD' means that i could but it all depend on me. for those who had come to my country they would know what i'm up against..

FOOD.  not just food but all kind of them. fatty food sweet food.


Tuesday, July 26, 2011

reboot day thirteen: the day i panic

workout was great.
awesome view. if you now what i mean. =)

all the pain on my muscles just tell me that my muscles are working.
but can't finish my sets though. i only complete my sets for my chest presses, biceps, triceps and sit ups.

cant finish the sets for my back obliques, my back and my shoulders. fatigue i guess. 

Monday, July 25, 2011

reboot day eleven: the diet bust.

went to cover a muay thai meet over the weekend.
fully sponsored. out of timed food. ate after midnight. everything was out of order... trying to reschedule things today... no more reboot

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

reboot day eight: trial and failure

i tried this but i failed. couldn't handle pushups for 30secs.
i'm thinking of cutting 30secs down to 15secs.

it has definitely been a while since i did circuits like this.
gonna try again on friday. coz tomorrow i am scheduled for the gym.

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

reboot day seven: work out

today i found myself spending more time at the gym.

doing more sets. sweating even more. as i said before the gym was stuffy. no air conditioner. very suitable condition for me to lose weight.

because according to what i've read our fat flow out of our body when we sweat.

Monday, July 18, 2011

reboot day six: THE LOST!!!!

imagine a gladiator roar...

i lost 1KG after 1week. 4 gym sessions. wohooo!!!!

i know it's not that fast but i did it without medicinal help.

here's what i did:

normal routine workout at the gym
20mins cardio cycling/steps
biceps/triceps/deltoids curls
chest presses.
quadricep/hamstring curls.
(still waiting for my muay thai class to start though)

however i did control my food intake.

breakfast: 1 scoop of nasi lemak. 1 green apple. 1 small bottle of mineral water.
lunch: grilled chicken/fried chicken.  1 green apple. 1 small bottle of mineral water.
tea time: green apple. 1 small bottle of mineral water.
dinner: 2 scoop of rice. fried veges. 1 green apple. 1 small bottle of mineral water.

Thursday, July 14, 2011

reboot day two

went to the gym again today.
sweat a lot. don't want to say but yeah like a pig.

still the same routine.
cycling 10mins.
weights for upper body muscles.
then abs then quads and hamstring. something new? i did it for 2 rounds.

summary of reboot day one. i went to 1 small makeshift muay thai gym but with legit trainer of course. but unfortunately he was not feeling well (he pooped his back on sunday) i ended up teaching the kids stretching. oh yeah i for got to tell you about the kids. yeah the gym i went were filled with young padawans haha not so young, but they made me feel old.

i am 29. the oldest there was 18. go figure.

Monday, July 11, 2011

reboot day zero

found myself a gym. 
figured that working out at home helped little. food is still there. available almost 24hrs. 

so i found a gym. today was my second visit. it was humid. a walk from the locker to the stationary bike had already made you sweat. 

the heat helped sweating.  using the machines helped even more. 
however i couldn't really keep track of what i was doing though. i didn't know the names of half of the stuffs in it. 

here's a summary. 
i spent 1 hour at the gym. started off with cardio workout. 10 mins on the bike. lifting dead weights to work the upper arms muscles(biceps/triceps/deltoids/trapezius) on the machines for the peck, abs, quadricep and hamstrings. 

i am now 130kg 177cm. bmi is at 41.6. bmr is at 2557.2.  my Body Fat Percentage of 33.51%
according to the site i posted before this i need to lose about 43kg. of which the site had also said that number is unrealistic. so as at now i haven't decide on how much should i lose to be realistic. or should i go for broke?

Monday, July 4, 2011

reboot day 6

i need to be a mathematician to lose weight.

found a wonder full site that helps a lot.

Sunday, July 3, 2011

reboot day 5:

sit ups: 50
push up: 20

tried to burn  some calories. been eating too much lately

reboot day 4:

sit up 50
push up 20

ate too much.
bad boy..

Friday, July 1, 2011

reboot day 3

push up 20
sit up 50
bicep curls 50
triceps curls 50
deltoids 50

 nothing much to say.. just sombre

Thursday, June 30, 2011

reboot day 2:

cycling 10km: 21min 30secs
biceps curls: 50
triceps curls: 50
deltoid curls: 50
sit ups: 50

faster by a minute

Wednesday, June 29, 2011

reboot day 1: Sad News

cycling 10km: 22min30sec
biceps curls: 50
triceps curls: 50
deltoid curls: 50
sit ups: 50

received news of a passing of a soul.
my aunt has returned to her creator. accompanied by her loved ones through her final hours.

a great woman. may she rest in peace.

Saturday, June 25, 2011


this is not working out.

gonna restart this workout scheme,
had been too long of a gap.

Sunday, June 19, 2011

really need some things out of my mind

really need some things out of my mind

it's actually driving me crazy for real.

can really do anything else without thinking about it.


Wednesday, June 15, 2011

day 55: it was magical

cycling 12 km : 30mins
biceps curls 50
triceps curls 50
quadricep curls 50
deltoid curls(sides) 50
bench press 25
sit ups 50

finally back on cardio workout. i didnt plan to cycle more than 10 km today but i did this while watching a video of a concert by iron maiden. i totally lost my track of time and distance. 1st i was at 4km then the next time i looked i was already at 11 km. 

gotta do that again

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

day 54: damn it... leave me in peace will ya?

biceps curls 50
triceps curls 50
quadricep curls 50
deltoid curls(sides) 50
deltoid curls(front) 50
sit ups 50

until it was interrupted by a phone call. got me all emotional angry and fucked up. i wish i have my punching bag at home. an array of punches should do it. damn it. can't i be left alone. can't i not find out what i had found out.

finding out that you are being lied to is not fun. damn it.

Wednesday, June 8, 2011

day 48: the new old thing.

seven day hiatus. summary: sucked. with emotional roller coaster to boot. the single thing that made my day everyday is seeing my little girl playing running jumping hugging non stop. the other day she seemed to how bad i was feeling she came and hugged me and kissed me. and she's only 18 months old.

cardio: skipping 100 jumps
biceps curls: 50
triceps curls: 50
shoulder lifts: 50
quadriceps curls: 50
hamstring curls: 50
sit ups 50

about skipping; it hurt. but not on the ankles. it was the flabs on my tummy.
was it good? i don't know.
all those jumps caused the flab to jump too
and no kidding, it hurt.

but i am going to do it again.
no pain no gain

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

day forty one: back on track minus cardio-workout.

sit ups 45
biceps curls 50
triceps curls 50
shoulder lifts 50

my little princess slept soundly tonight. so i have enough time to workout. 
not too much sweat. but i am satisfied by the amount of muscle works i did. 
after about 2 weeks away from workout. i'm good. 

Sunday, May 29, 2011

day 37/38: the lil princess

my 1 year old lil princes is back with me. i am in a jocund mood indeed.

which also means i have to find a new spot to work out. she sleeps with me in my room/gym.
she won't sleep well with all the grunts and screeching sounds from the stationary bike.

thinking of relocating and changing work out time too.

no work out today (again) only lifting my lil princess countless times. does that count?

Thursday, May 26, 2011

day 33/34/35/36: the snag

still recuperating from cough. phlegm.
doctor suspects lung infection

no workout at all...

emotionally burned/insecure

Sunday, May 22, 2011

day 32: no sign of getting better.

still coughing.
tremendous amount of phlegm.
annoyed by those still hanging on.
having chest pain from coughing too hard.

45 sit ups.

got to do something. because if i didn't all the hard work will go to waste.

barely sweating from exercise but sweating from the heat.
no i am not living in a sauna. but yes. it is hot.

Saturday, May 21, 2011

day 27/28/29/30/31: still under the weather

no fever. but coughing got worse. sore throat graduated to infected throat.
(what's the difference?)
your throat is sore when your throat became reddish and irritated. infected throat is when you got white spots almost like ulcers in your throat.

been on warm water diet for the past 5days. got on full porridge diet yesterday.

went to the clinic again to get stronger meds.
got good news as a side dish though. bp got lower. now its 120/80.

hopefully it'll heal in 2-3 days. or earlier because i have an interview to get to on wednesday.
also so that i can workout again.


Monday, May 16, 2011

day twenty six: under the weather.

after my visit to the doc i'm officially sick. (cough and fever at the very least)

so for the time being no workout. should take my rest and drink a lot of water.

but the doc did say my b/p got down but still borderline. good news still.


Sunday, May 15, 2011

day twenty five: stamina increased

power cycling 10km: 23min 01s
biceps curls 5lbs each arm: 40x
triceps curls 5lbs each arm: 40x
shoulder lifts 5lbs each arm: 40x
sit-ups: 40x
back arches: 40x
shadow boxing: 6mins

dont know what to say really. 

Saturday, May 14, 2011

day twenty four:

yeah if you noticed i messed up in my previous post. it was supposed to be day 22. 
so today is day 23.

but wait. i think i did updated day twenty two it was the first day i did shadow boxing: something's wrong.  

almost simultaneously blogger went into a read only mode yesterday.

well nevermind. 

here's what i did today

power cycling 10km: 23min 39s
biceps curls 5lbs each arm: 40x
triceps curls 5lbs each arm: 40x
shoulder lifts 5lbs each arm: 40x
sit-ups: 40x
back arches: 40x. 
shadow boxing 10mins

day twenty two: damned cheap weighing scales!!!

no workout on day twenty three.
i actually wanted to take a time off due to the muscle sores i got from futsal.

i went for a walk in a mall. looking around. thinking mostly.
but that's another story.

if you have read my prologue entry. you would notice that i put my weight is at 130kg. which i weighed myself on a cheap spring based scale i bought. (knowing the fact that the less clothes you got on you the nearer you are to your  exact weight.)

the problem is this, yesterday when i was out i weight myself on a weighing machine. the ones that you have to pay for. and get this; my weight was registered at 132.2kg(with clothes and shoes on). now this puzzles me. did i really gain weight? or i actually lost weight because apparently the scale that i have is not reliable anymore.

i guess there are no other way to rectify this. but to take this weight as a baseline then. sigh

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

day twenty one: contact sport

went for a game of futsal today.
i lasted for an hour until i asked someone to replace me. it was a surprise really. never had thought i'd last that long.

the fact that my stamina grew is good
but what happen afterwards had made me worry.

after the game. my speech got slurry and i can't really annunciate well. almost felt like choking and again felt slightly disoriented. what was worst is that i was driving alone. nobody wants to pass out while drive. i drank a lot recover. because i thought it was due to the tremendous lost of fluid when i sweat. after i got back home my body was not responding so well either. there had seemed to be a lag between my brain and the body's motor responses.

after resting for a bit i took my dinner. drank more water.

about 10 pm i believe everything is back to normal.

well except the my body is still sweating from the heat.

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

day twenty: know your limits.

power cycling 8km: 18min 23s
biceps curls 5lbs each arm: 40x
shoulder lifts 5lbs each arm: 25x
 sit-ups: 40x 
 back arches: 40x. 

half way through cycling i began to feel nauseous. i thought it was normal until i began to feel that i'm losing my balance. i have a feeling like i was falling off the bike. 

i got off the bike. took my five. and started to work on my biceps curls and shoulder lifts. that was when it came back. 

"speak of the devil and he doth appear."

Monday, May 9, 2011

day nineteen: heatwave

power cycling 10km: 25min07sec
biceps curls 5lbs each arm: 40x
shoulder lifts 5lbs each arm: 40x
sit-ups: 40x
back arches: 40x.

there's something a bit off about the heat these days. the days are hotter. scorching might be the best word for it. 

and working out in this kind of heat; there's always the danger of dehydration. 

here's some tips everyone should follow. 

  • drink a lot of water. this is the main thing that people tend to forget. when you work out. your fat exits you body through sweat. water keeps you hydrated. 
  • take it easy. it would not hurt for you to take a time-out while working-out.
  • wait till late in the afternoon for your workout to avoid the heat. 

more facts and symptoms of dehydration HERE 

Sunday, May 8, 2011

day eighteen: the walkabout

an old australian aborigines ritual for their youth to take. they would have to embark on a journey by themselves just to find themselves and their purpose in life.

i went for a walkabout of my own. went to shoot some old houses around town. sweat myself profusely in the heat of the day. got great pics to boot.

how many steps that i took? i don't know. didn't turn on my steps counter. all i know is i covered quite a ground in the heat.


Saturday, May 7, 2011

day seventeen: out of gas

power cycling 10km: 23min12sec
biceps curls 5lbs each arm: 40x
shoulder lifts 5lbs each arm: 40x
sit-ups: 40x
back arches: 40x.

i was flat out of energy by the time i finish today's workout.
lips were parched. barely lift myself up by the time i'm done.
my fingers were shivering.

i have to say;
i like this feeling.

Friday, May 6, 2011

day sixteen: almost

power cycling: 10km: 23min36secs
lifting stationary bike: 40x
sit-ups: 40x
back arches: 40x

almost didn't make it today.
each news is hurting me.

almost half of my days i spent driving around aimlessly.
i burnt a quarter tank of gas driving around.


(i think losing weight and emotions needs to run in parallel. the more disturbed are your emotions the harder it is for you to lose weight. but stress and depression won't go away that easy. so always keep a happy thought in mind. you'll see a great difference. even without any exercise)    

Thursday, May 5, 2011

day fifteen: back. but not on track yet.

my speed lowered.
my time got up.

lifted to stationary bicycle = 30x
sit ups = 40x

i still feel the toe. nothing serious but the cut got wet.
not a very conducive condition for healing.
just annoyed that it interrupts my workout.  

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

day fourteen: who put that there?

no workout today.

had hurt my toes after walking into a wall.
yep this time it's a real wall.
i didn't notice it at first but apparently there's a 2cm long gash. lucky for me it was not so deep.


Tuesday, May 3, 2011

day thirteen: and the wall falls down.

the self-sympathy wall is down.

manage to go for brisk walking and jogged for about 200m(ish)
[a start at the very least/and the pants stayed on this time lol]

it was a time to think as well. i now stand resolute and steady!


Monday, May 2, 2011

day twelve: damn these cravings.

still having cravings. feeling melancholic since last night.

need to find a better way to let go of these feelings. if i can't all the workout will go to waste.

didn't go through with workout today. i need a long walk to ease this melancholy off.

Sunday, May 1, 2011

days eight/nine/ten/eleven: the hiatus

i can only summarize my absence as a melancholic journey. very emotional. and it hurts too.

what had supposed to be a birthday celebration; turned sour. i feel helpless that i can't do anything about it.

lost. sad. vilified.

but on the bright side though. i managed to suppress the desire to eat my feelings.

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

day seven: SOS

today i felt like hitting a wall.

i was angry almost half of the day. it felt like everyone is ganging up on me in making me angry(i only felt like that. the truth is there were only 3-4 people kept getting on to my nerve.)

and almost everytime when i'm upset (be it angry, nervous or sad) i felt hungry. it had always made me wonder why. but then lo and behold and wouldn't you know it, on my way back from work i heard this public service announcement over the radio about cravings.

and then i felt like i've been slapped right in the face.
Apparently your cravings are more related to you emotionally rather than hunger. it happens when in some state in your life you tend to eat away your feelings rather than dealing with it in a proper way. such things would actually take time to develop a subconscious trigger between your feelings and your cravings.

(we often hear this, "i eat a lot when i am nervous" or "i eat a lot when i'm sad")

i had hit that wall today. i was so angry, i ate. i ate few slices of pizza and a pepsi at 9pm after dinner(in which i have set it at 6pm.)

but lucky enough after chatting gibberish with my 1-year-old daughter, she got me back on track. i'm actually doing this for her as well.

at 1130pm. i managed to break the wall. like free willy i was.

and i broke one more thing too.

10 km cycling : 22mins 50secs. (YEAAAY 2 mins faster)
20(ish)kg lifts= 20x
sit ups= 40x


Tuesday, April 26, 2011

day six: the good, the bad and the ugly.

power cycling: 10km
lifts (20kg[ish]): 20x
sit ups: 40x

work-out machines at home.

the GOOD 
you get to work-out at home. you wont be interrupted by the weather. 
too hot outside? its ok. you can do it at home. 
raining? it's ok, you can do it at home.

time wise, Day or night is not an issue. literally it will be there at your disposal anytime you want.

the BAD
lack of inspiration or the motivation to keep you going. 
refer to my previous entry

i'm not denying that anyone who owns those machines lacks the inspiration. it was the inspiration and motivation itself that made them buying those machines. but they did it maybe the most at one or two weeks and they stop. (the same thing happened to me when my stationary bike long time ago: guilty)

the UGLY
er.. how much did you spend for it again? 
yep my point exactly.

and it would be worse if you leave it there gathering dust and not using it

Monday, April 25, 2011

day five: inspiration [highly addictive source.]

power cycling: 10km
lifts (20kg[ish]): 20x
sit ups: 40x

if you go to a gym especially those upscale commercial gyms they would often ask you to take the packages where they provide you with a personal trainer to help you train (both you and i know that this will burn a hole in ur pocket or at least cause a large scratch on your plastic.)

so what should you do to avoid this?


grab a friend. ask him/her to go for a workout with you. tell him/her its a win-win situation.

you get fit i get fit. but sometimes friends might not be able to follow your workout schedule. and you end up working out alone most of the time and at first it seemed ok but you might give yourself an EXCUSE not to workout and blame it on your friend.

now that not nice isn't it?


you can get


you see i thank the heavens because Sylvester Stallone wrote Rocky.  I was inspired like hell when i watched all the Rocky franchises(except iv & v [it didn't work for me]). every single time after rocky's training montage i felt like jumping off the seat and yell


but what made the montage worked so great was actually the song. i mean play the clip without any sound(or the song without the clip) you'll find it bland and lacks the oomph. so what i did was i downloaded the movie's soundtrack and save it as a playlist and play it every time i workout.

and so far it worked for me. (now the only thing that's missing is the Philadelphia Museum of Arts stairs)

Sunday, April 24, 2011

day four: the dilemma


only day four and already in a dilemma. its after work and i am split between 2. walking/jogging? or cycling instead?

i enjoy both really but i'd like to do it alternately to keep me away from boredom.

will update later once i decide. (after i do it of course)


conflict averted. decided to go cycling instead. same drill 10km. (in 24mins) 20 lifts of 20(ish)kg. 40 sit ups.

day three: i tried running but

i think i need new tracks and shorts first. lol.

i did 3 laps of the same track i did yesterday. on the 3rd lap i decided to jog at the last 200m. and so i did.
unfortunately after about 30m i realized my shorts start to slid down. strides after strides i took it kept on going and going, i tried to finish the 200m stretch but i had to stop short because even with my hands holding but i had to stop as my b*ttcrack is showing.

i know how i feel but definitely cannot imagine what was going on in those people i overtook when i was running. oh the horror!!!

overall i'd say it was a good day. i made 3 laps instead of 2.  45 mins stretches and 40 sit ups.

Friday, April 22, 2011

day two(written on the morning of day 3)

woke up in the morning to muscle sore.
my joints are aching, knees and ankles felt like they're breaking.

here's what i did yesterday.

2km brisk walking. 30-40min. (i personally think that to start off with running is not a good idea. i'll take this on gradually)
stretching. light kicking. sit-ups.  

like what everyone say no pain no gain.
never give up.

Thursday, April 21, 2011

day one

10km on stationary bike
average speed 22 kmh 
112.4 cal

followed by
weight lifting. 
sit ups 24 


unofficially i am 130kg. 178cm. which means my BMI is 41. which also means unfortunately;

i am obese. a borderline hypertension. and i am 29.

i am married to a beautiful woman. blessed with a 1year old little girl.

i wasn't always like this. i was a taekwondo exponent. represented my college throughout my years there. but one there was that one particular thing happened to me. i think it is called the REBOUND syndrome. happens to most athletes. all the weight had apparently catch up to athletes when they stop practicing. as in my case i gained 30kgs since i graduated in 06.

my resolution; like every single one of us overweights. we want to lose it. but unlike others, i am going to do it naturally.

no pills. no get-slim drinks/solutions. no enrolling myself into slimming center and waste thousands to lose weight.

because to me; all those that i've mentioned above. only make you lose weight. but what they don't do is help you get fit.

my aim is to get fit and lose weight. and i will try to document my journey. and put up updates on my progress.