Monday, May 9, 2011

day nineteen: heatwave

power cycling 10km: 25min07sec
biceps curls 5lbs each arm: 40x
shoulder lifts 5lbs each arm: 40x
sit-ups: 40x
back arches: 40x.

there's something a bit off about the heat these days. the days are hotter. scorching might be the best word for it. 

and working out in this kind of heat; there's always the danger of dehydration. 

here's some tips everyone should follow. 

  • drink a lot of water. this is the main thing that people tend to forget. when you work out. your fat exits you body through sweat. water keeps you hydrated. 
  • take it easy. it would not hurt for you to take a time-out while working-out.
  • wait till late in the afternoon for your workout to avoid the heat. 

more facts and symptoms of dehydration HERE