lifts (20kg[ish]): 20x
sit ups: 40x
work-out machines at home.
the GOOD
you get to work-out at home. you wont be interrupted by the weather.
too hot outside? its ok. you can do it at home.
raining? it's ok, you can do it at home.
time wise, Day or night is not an issue. literally it will be there at your disposal anytime you want.
the BAD
lack of inspiration or the motivation to keep you going.
refer to my previous entry.
i'm not denying that anyone who owns those machines lacks the inspiration. it was the inspiration and motivation itself that made them buying those machines. but they did it maybe the most at one or two weeks and they stop. (the same thing happened to me when my stationary bike long time ago: guilty)
the UGLY
er.. how much did you spend for it again?
yep my point exactly.
and it would be worse if you leave it there gathering dust and not using it