lifts (20kg[ish]): 20x
sit ups: 40x
if you go to a gym especially those upscale commercial gyms they would often ask you to take the packages where they provide you with a personal trainer to help you train (both you and i know that this will burn a hole in ur pocket or at least cause a large scratch on your plastic.)
so what should you do to avoid this?
grab a friend. ask him/her to go for a workout with you. tell him/her its a win-win situation.
you get fit i get fit. but sometimes friends might not be able to follow your workout schedule. and you end up working out alone most of the time and at first it seemed ok but you might give yourself an EXCUSE not to workout and blame it on your friend.
now that not nice isn't it?
you can get
you see i thank the heavens because Sylvester Stallone wrote Rocky. I was inspired like hell when i watched all the Rocky franchises(except iv & v [it didn't work for me]). every single time after rocky's training montage i felt like jumping off the seat and yell
but what made the montage worked so great was actually the song. i mean play the clip without any sound(or the song without the clip) you'll find it bland and lacks the oomph. so what i did was i downloaded the movie's soundtrack and save it as a playlist and play it every time i workout.
and so far it worked for me. (now the only thing that's missing is the Philadelphia Museum of Arts stairs)