Saturday, May 14, 2011

day twenty four:

yeah if you noticed i messed up in my previous post. it was supposed to be day 22. 
so today is day 23.

but wait. i think i did updated day twenty two it was the first day i did shadow boxing: something's wrong.  

almost simultaneously blogger went into a read only mode yesterday.

well nevermind. 

here's what i did today

power cycling 10km: 23min 39s
biceps curls 5lbs each arm: 40x
triceps curls 5lbs each arm: 40x
shoulder lifts 5lbs each arm: 40x
sit-ups: 40x
back arches: 40x. 
shadow boxing 10mins

day twenty two: damned cheap weighing scales!!!

no workout on day twenty three.
i actually wanted to take a time off due to the muscle sores i got from futsal.

i went for a walk in a mall. looking around. thinking mostly.
but that's another story.

if you have read my prologue entry. you would notice that i put my weight is at 130kg. which i weighed myself on a cheap spring based scale i bought. (knowing the fact that the less clothes you got on you the nearer you are to your  exact weight.)

the problem is this, yesterday when i was out i weight myself on a weighing machine. the ones that you have to pay for. and get this; my weight was registered at 132.2kg(with clothes and shoes on). now this puzzles me. did i really gain weight? or i actually lost weight because apparently the scale that i have is not reliable anymore.

i guess there are no other way to rectify this. but to take this weight as a baseline then. sigh