went for a game of futsal today.
i lasted for an hour until i asked someone to replace me. it was a surprise really. never had thought i'd last that long.
the fact that my stamina grew is good
but what happen afterwards had made me worry.
after the game. my speech got slurry and i can't really annunciate well. almost felt like choking and again felt slightly disoriented. what was worst is that i was driving alone. nobody wants to pass out while drive. i drank a lot recover. because i thought it was due to the tremendous lost of fluid when i sweat. after i got back home my body was not responding so well either. there had seemed to be a lag between my brain and the body's motor responses.
after resting for a bit i took my dinner. drank more water.
about 10 pm i believe everything is back to normal.
well except the my body is still sweating from the heat.