unofficially i am 130kg. 178cm. which means my BMI is 41. which also means unfortunately;
i am obese. a borderline hypertension. and i am 29.
i am married to a beautiful woman. blessed with a 1year old little girl.
i wasn't always like this. i was a taekwondo exponent. represented my college throughout my years there. but one there was that one particular thing happened to me. i think it is called the REBOUND syndrome. happens to most athletes. all the weight had apparently catch up to athletes when they stop practicing. as in my case i gained 30kgs since i graduated in 06.
my resolution; like every single one of us overweights. we want to lose it. but unlike others, i am going to do it naturally.
no pills. no get-slim drinks/solutions. no enrolling myself into slimming center and waste thousands to lose weight.
because to me; all those that i've mentioned above. only make you lose weight. but what they don't do is help you get fit.
my aim is to get fit and lose weight. and i will try to document my journey. and put up updates on my progress.