Saturday, August 20, 2011

reboot day 36: progress

10 august

12 August
5.21 km


in case you are wondering the pics are from the monitor on the stationary bike at the gym. 
note the time is the same. +/- a sec difference. but notice the distance. it increases. although not much but it makes a big difference. 

in my first post i said that i will not turn to pill, slimming center or any other artificial ways to lose weight, because to me it does not work. it will burn a hole in your wallet thats for sure. but are you healthy losing weight that way?

 sometimes people forget that being healthy is much more important than losing weight. to me losing weight is a bonus. remember the main thing is to stay fit. 

if you have read my recent posts i had only returned to the gym after i finally had my tooth reconstructed and finally the pain is gone. so the pics actually speak for themselves really. after 3 trips from about 2 weeks away from the gym i was poor to start with. then the stamina returned after only three trips. 

losing weight is indeed a slow process. don't rush. never rush. give your body time to adjust to your new routine.

i feel healthier. i feel better. and i feel lighter. 
i now weigh 125kg. 

so get off those pills. leave those slimming centers. grab your running shoes get out there and jog. hit the gym, grab your bicycle, and cycle your way to a healthier life. 

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

reboot day 26 part 2:

no complains from the teeth,

so after 2weeks hiatus. today i went back to the gym. couldn't finish the usual routine. stopped after 1hr30mins.

 and vomited. bleargh!!! Xp

reboot day 26: i hope this works

again i went to the dentist. swapped the temporary filling to the permanent one.
just hope it works this time. i am planning to go to the gym tonight.

its been almost 2 weeks. hope fully i can still keep my old timing up.

Monday, August 8, 2011

reboot day 24: GREAT NEWS

i lost 2 more kilos.
wohoo... total weight loss is now 6kg in a month and 1 week.

sadly i've been missing my gym trips for the past week due to this tooth ache.

yup its still there. and i hate it.

Friday, August 5, 2011

reboot day 21: damn tooth ache..

can't focus on anything because of the toothache. no exercises, no trip to the gym and all sorts. 
been on painkillers for the past three days. and its not fun either. when bowed it hurt even more. let alone standing.

i went to the dentist too. to get some opinion.

it was actually one of my teeth that has a big gaping hole. and for the past few month the tooth is actually giving away. chipping little by little. i wanted to extract it. but the dentist said the root is still strong. and i was glad that she is being honest with me she told me if i want to go ahead with it its gonna cost although not a fortune, but a lot.

so she said she'll put fillings instead and hope that it'll stop the pain but what she didn't say is how long would it take for the ache will go away.


Monday, August 1, 2011

reboot day seventeen: Fasting month

its fasting month now.
a doctor told me that i should take advantage of this. it should help me lose more weight, faster. but note highlighted the word 'IT SHOULD' means that i could but it all depend on me. for those who had come to my country they would know what i'm up against..

FOOD.  not just food but all kind of them. fatty food sweet food.