Tuesday, July 26, 2011

reboot day thirteen: the day i panic

workout was great.
awesome view. if you now what i mean. =)

all the pain on my muscles just tell me that my muscles are working.
but can't finish my sets though. i only complete my sets for my chest presses, biceps, triceps and sit ups.

cant finish the sets for my back obliques, my back and my shoulders. fatigue i guess. 

Monday, July 25, 2011

reboot day eleven: the diet bust.

went to cover a muay thai meet over the weekend.
fully sponsored. out of timed food. ate after midnight. everything was out of order... trying to reschedule things today... no more reboot

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

reboot day eight: trial and failure

i tried this but i failed. couldn't handle pushups for 30secs.
i'm thinking of cutting 30secs down to 15secs.

it has definitely been a while since i did circuits like this.
gonna try again on friday. coz tomorrow i am scheduled for the gym.

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

reboot day seven: work out

today i found myself spending more time at the gym.

doing more sets. sweating even more. as i said before the gym was stuffy. no air conditioner. very suitable condition for me to lose weight.

because according to what i've read our fat flow out of our body when we sweat.

Monday, July 18, 2011

reboot day six: THE LOST!!!!

imagine a gladiator roar...

i lost 1KG after 1week. 4 gym sessions. wohooo!!!!

i know it's not that fast but i did it without medicinal help.

here's what i did:

normal routine workout at the gym
20mins cardio cycling/steps
biceps/triceps/deltoids curls
chest presses.
quadricep/hamstring curls.
(still waiting for my muay thai class to start though)

however i did control my food intake.

breakfast: 1 scoop of nasi lemak. 1 green apple. 1 small bottle of mineral water.
lunch: grilled chicken/fried chicken.  1 green apple. 1 small bottle of mineral water.
tea time: green apple. 1 small bottle of mineral water.
dinner: 2 scoop of rice. fried veges. 1 green apple. 1 small bottle of mineral water.

Thursday, July 14, 2011

reboot day two

went to the gym again today.
sweat a lot. don't want to say but yeah like a pig.

still the same routine.
cycling 10mins.
weights for upper body muscles.
then abs then quads and hamstring. something new? i did it for 2 rounds.

summary of reboot day one. i went to 1 small makeshift muay thai gym but with legit trainer of course. but unfortunately he was not feeling well (he pooped his back on sunday) i ended up teaching the kids stretching. oh yeah i for got to tell you about the kids. yeah the gym i went were filled with young padawans haha not so young, but they made me feel old.

i am 29. the oldest there was 18. go figure.

Monday, July 11, 2011

reboot day zero

found myself a gym. 
figured that working out at home helped little. food is still there. available almost 24hrs. 

so i found a gym. today was my second visit. it was humid. a walk from the locker to the stationary bike had already made you sweat. 

the heat helped sweating.  using the machines helped even more. 
however i couldn't really keep track of what i was doing though. i didn't know the names of half of the stuffs in it. 

here's a summary. 
i spent 1 hour at the gym. started off with cardio workout. 10 mins on the bike. lifting dead weights to work the upper arms muscles(biceps/triceps/deltoids/trapezius) on the machines for the peck, abs, quadricep and hamstrings. 

i am now 130kg 177cm. bmi is at 41.6. bmr is at 2557.2.  my Body Fat Percentage of 33.51%
according to the site i posted before this i need to lose about 43kg. of which the site had also said that number is unrealistic. so as at now i haven't decide on how much should i lose to be realistic. or should i go for broke?

Monday, July 4, 2011

reboot day 6

i need to be a mathematician to lose weight.

found a wonder full site that helps a lot.


Sunday, July 3, 2011

reboot day 5:

sit ups: 50
push up: 20

tried to burn  some calories. been eating too much lately

reboot day 4:

sit up 50
push up 20

ate too much.
bad boy..

Friday, July 1, 2011

reboot day 3

push up 20
sit up 50
bicep curls 50
triceps curls 50
deltoids 50

 nothing much to say.. just sombre