Sunday, May 29, 2011

day 37/38: the lil princess

my 1 year old lil princes is back with me. i am in a jocund mood indeed.

which also means i have to find a new spot to work out. she sleeps with me in my room/gym.
she won't sleep well with all the grunts and screeching sounds from the stationary bike.

thinking of relocating and changing work out time too.

no work out today (again) only lifting my lil princess countless times. does that count?

Thursday, May 26, 2011

day 33/34/35/36: the snag

still recuperating from cough. phlegm.
doctor suspects lung infection

no workout at all...

emotionally burned/insecure

Sunday, May 22, 2011

day 32: no sign of getting better.

still coughing.
tremendous amount of phlegm.
annoyed by those still hanging on.
having chest pain from coughing too hard.

45 sit ups.

got to do something. because if i didn't all the hard work will go to waste.

barely sweating from exercise but sweating from the heat.
no i am not living in a sauna. but yes. it is hot.

Saturday, May 21, 2011

day 27/28/29/30/31: still under the weather

no fever. but coughing got worse. sore throat graduated to infected throat.
(what's the difference?)
your throat is sore when your throat became reddish and irritated. infected throat is when you got white spots almost like ulcers in your throat.

been on warm water diet for the past 5days. got on full porridge diet yesterday.

went to the clinic again to get stronger meds.
got good news as a side dish though. bp got lower. now its 120/80.

hopefully it'll heal in 2-3 days. or earlier because i have an interview to get to on wednesday.
also so that i can workout again.


Monday, May 16, 2011

day twenty six: under the weather.

after my visit to the doc i'm officially sick. (cough and fever at the very least)

so for the time being no workout. should take my rest and drink a lot of water.

but the doc did say my b/p got down but still borderline. good news still.


Sunday, May 15, 2011

day twenty five: stamina increased

power cycling 10km: 23min 01s
biceps curls 5lbs each arm: 40x
triceps curls 5lbs each arm: 40x
shoulder lifts 5lbs each arm: 40x
sit-ups: 40x
back arches: 40x
shadow boxing: 6mins

dont know what to say really. 

Saturday, May 14, 2011

day twenty four:

yeah if you noticed i messed up in my previous post. it was supposed to be day 22. 
so today is day 23.

but wait. i think i did updated day twenty two it was the first day i did shadow boxing: something's wrong.  

almost simultaneously blogger went into a read only mode yesterday.

well nevermind. 

here's what i did today

power cycling 10km: 23min 39s
biceps curls 5lbs each arm: 40x
triceps curls 5lbs each arm: 40x
shoulder lifts 5lbs each arm: 40x
sit-ups: 40x
back arches: 40x. 
shadow boxing 10mins

day twenty two: damned cheap weighing scales!!!

no workout on day twenty three.
i actually wanted to take a time off due to the muscle sores i got from futsal.

i went for a walk in a mall. looking around. thinking mostly.
but that's another story.

if you have read my prologue entry. you would notice that i put my weight is at 130kg. which i weighed myself on a cheap spring based scale i bought. (knowing the fact that the less clothes you got on you the nearer you are to your  exact weight.)

the problem is this, yesterday when i was out i weight myself on a weighing machine. the ones that you have to pay for. and get this; my weight was registered at 132.2kg(with clothes and shoes on). now this puzzles me. did i really gain weight? or i actually lost weight because apparently the scale that i have is not reliable anymore.

i guess there are no other way to rectify this. but to take this weight as a baseline then. sigh

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

day twenty one: contact sport

went for a game of futsal today.
i lasted for an hour until i asked someone to replace me. it was a surprise really. never had thought i'd last that long.

the fact that my stamina grew is good
but what happen afterwards had made me worry.

after the game. my speech got slurry and i can't really annunciate well. almost felt like choking and again felt slightly disoriented. what was worst is that i was driving alone. nobody wants to pass out while drive. i drank a lot recover. because i thought it was due to the tremendous lost of fluid when i sweat. after i got back home my body was not responding so well either. there had seemed to be a lag between my brain and the body's motor responses.

after resting for a bit i took my dinner. drank more water.

about 10 pm i believe everything is back to normal.

well except the my body is still sweating from the heat.

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

day twenty: know your limits.

power cycling 8km: 18min 23s
biceps curls 5lbs each arm: 40x
shoulder lifts 5lbs each arm: 25x
 sit-ups: 40x 
 back arches: 40x. 

half way through cycling i began to feel nauseous. i thought it was normal until i began to feel that i'm losing my balance. i have a feeling like i was falling off the bike. 

i got off the bike. took my five. and started to work on my biceps curls and shoulder lifts. that was when it came back. 

"speak of the devil and he doth appear."

Monday, May 9, 2011

day nineteen: heatwave

power cycling 10km: 25min07sec
biceps curls 5lbs each arm: 40x
shoulder lifts 5lbs each arm: 40x
sit-ups: 40x
back arches: 40x.

there's something a bit off about the heat these days. the days are hotter. scorching might be the best word for it. 

and working out in this kind of heat; there's always the danger of dehydration. 

here's some tips everyone should follow. 

  • drink a lot of water. this is the main thing that people tend to forget. when you work out. your fat exits you body through sweat. water keeps you hydrated. 
  • take it easy. it would not hurt for you to take a time-out while working-out.
  • wait till late in the afternoon for your workout to avoid the heat. 

more facts and symptoms of dehydration HERE 

Sunday, May 8, 2011

day eighteen: the walkabout

an old australian aborigines ritual for their youth to take. they would have to embark on a journey by themselves just to find themselves and their purpose in life.

i went for a walkabout of my own. went to shoot some old houses around town. sweat myself profusely in the heat of the day. got great pics to boot.

how many steps that i took? i don't know. didn't turn on my steps counter. all i know is i covered quite a ground in the heat.


Saturday, May 7, 2011

day seventeen: out of gas

power cycling 10km: 23min12sec
biceps curls 5lbs each arm: 40x
shoulder lifts 5lbs each arm: 40x
sit-ups: 40x
back arches: 40x.

i was flat out of energy by the time i finish today's workout.
lips were parched. barely lift myself up by the time i'm done.
my fingers were shivering.

i have to say;
i like this feeling.

Friday, May 6, 2011

day sixteen: almost

power cycling: 10km: 23min36secs
lifting stationary bike: 40x
sit-ups: 40x
back arches: 40x

almost didn't make it today.
each news is hurting me.

almost half of my days i spent driving around aimlessly.
i burnt a quarter tank of gas driving around.


(i think losing weight and emotions needs to run in parallel. the more disturbed are your emotions the harder it is for you to lose weight. but stress and depression won't go away that easy. so always keep a happy thought in mind. you'll see a great difference. even without any exercise)    

Thursday, May 5, 2011

day fifteen: back. but not on track yet.

my speed lowered.
my time got up.

lifted to stationary bicycle = 30x
sit ups = 40x

i still feel the toe. nothing serious but the cut got wet.
not a very conducive condition for healing.
just annoyed that it interrupts my workout.  

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

day fourteen: who put that there?

no workout today.

had hurt my toes after walking into a wall.
yep this time it's a real wall.
i didn't notice it at first but apparently there's a 2cm long gash. lucky for me it was not so deep.


Tuesday, May 3, 2011

day thirteen: and the wall falls down.

the self-sympathy wall is down.

manage to go for brisk walking and jogged for about 200m(ish)
[a start at the very least/and the pants stayed on this time lol]

it was a time to think as well. i now stand resolute and steady!


Monday, May 2, 2011

day twelve: damn these cravings.

still having cravings. feeling melancholic since last night.

need to find a better way to let go of these feelings. if i can't all the workout will go to waste.

didn't go through with workout today. i need a long walk to ease this melancholy off.

Sunday, May 1, 2011

days eight/nine/ten/eleven: the hiatus

i can only summarize my absence as a melancholic journey. very emotional. and it hurts too.

what had supposed to be a birthday celebration; turned sour. i feel helpless that i can't do anything about it.

lost. sad. vilified.

but on the bright side though. i managed to suppress the desire to eat my feelings.