Wednesday, April 27, 2011

day seven: SOS

today i felt like hitting a wall.

i was angry almost half of the day. it felt like everyone is ganging up on me in making me angry(i only felt like that. the truth is there were only 3-4 people kept getting on to my nerve.)

and almost everytime when i'm upset (be it angry, nervous or sad) i felt hungry. it had always made me wonder why. but then lo and behold and wouldn't you know it, on my way back from work i heard this public service announcement over the radio about cravings.

and then i felt like i've been slapped right in the face.
Apparently your cravings are more related to you emotionally rather than hunger. it happens when in some state in your life you tend to eat away your feelings rather than dealing with it in a proper way. such things would actually take time to develop a subconscious trigger between your feelings and your cravings.

(we often hear this, "i eat a lot when i am nervous" or "i eat a lot when i'm sad")

i had hit that wall today. i was so angry, i ate. i ate few slices of pizza and a pepsi at 9pm after dinner(in which i have set it at 6pm.)

but lucky enough after chatting gibberish with my 1-year-old daughter, she got me back on track. i'm actually doing this for her as well.

at 1130pm. i managed to break the wall. like free willy i was.

and i broke one more thing too.

10 km cycling : 22mins 50secs. (YEAAAY 2 mins faster)
20(ish)kg lifts= 20x
sit ups= 40x


Tuesday, April 26, 2011

day six: the good, the bad and the ugly.

power cycling: 10km
lifts (20kg[ish]): 20x
sit ups: 40x

work-out machines at home.

the GOOD 
you get to work-out at home. you wont be interrupted by the weather. 
too hot outside? its ok. you can do it at home. 
raining? it's ok, you can do it at home.

time wise, Day or night is not an issue. literally it will be there at your disposal anytime you want.

the BAD
lack of inspiration or the motivation to keep you going. 
refer to my previous entry

i'm not denying that anyone who owns those machines lacks the inspiration. it was the inspiration and motivation itself that made them buying those machines. but they did it maybe the most at one or two weeks and they stop. (the same thing happened to me when my stationary bike long time ago: guilty)

the UGLY
er.. how much did you spend for it again? 
yep my point exactly.

and it would be worse if you leave it there gathering dust and not using it

Monday, April 25, 2011

day five: inspiration [highly addictive source.]

power cycling: 10km
lifts (20kg[ish]): 20x
sit ups: 40x

if you go to a gym especially those upscale commercial gyms they would often ask you to take the packages where they provide you with a personal trainer to help you train (both you and i know that this will burn a hole in ur pocket or at least cause a large scratch on your plastic.)

so what should you do to avoid this?


grab a friend. ask him/her to go for a workout with you. tell him/her its a win-win situation.

you get fit i get fit. but sometimes friends might not be able to follow your workout schedule. and you end up working out alone most of the time and at first it seemed ok but you might give yourself an EXCUSE not to workout and blame it on your friend.

now that not nice isn't it?


you can get


you see i thank the heavens because Sylvester Stallone wrote Rocky.  I was inspired like hell when i watched all the Rocky franchises(except iv & v [it didn't work for me]). every single time after rocky's training montage i felt like jumping off the seat and yell


but what made the montage worked so great was actually the song. i mean play the clip without any sound(or the song without the clip) you'll find it bland and lacks the oomph. so what i did was i downloaded the movie's soundtrack and save it as a playlist and play it every time i workout.

and so far it worked for me. (now the only thing that's missing is the Philadelphia Museum of Arts stairs)

Sunday, April 24, 2011

day four: the dilemma


only day four and already in a dilemma. its after work and i am split between 2. walking/jogging? or cycling instead?

i enjoy both really but i'd like to do it alternately to keep me away from boredom.

will update later once i decide. (after i do it of course)


conflict averted. decided to go cycling instead. same drill 10km. (in 24mins) 20 lifts of 20(ish)kg. 40 sit ups.

day three: i tried running but

i think i need new tracks and shorts first. lol.

i did 3 laps of the same track i did yesterday. on the 3rd lap i decided to jog at the last 200m. and so i did.
unfortunately after about 30m i realized my shorts start to slid down. strides after strides i took it kept on going and going, i tried to finish the 200m stretch but i had to stop short because even with my hands holding but i had to stop as my b*ttcrack is showing.

i know how i feel but definitely cannot imagine what was going on in those people i overtook when i was running. oh the horror!!!

overall i'd say it was a good day. i made 3 laps instead of 2.  45 mins stretches and 40 sit ups.

Friday, April 22, 2011

day two(written on the morning of day 3)

woke up in the morning to muscle sore.
my joints are aching, knees and ankles felt like they're breaking.

here's what i did yesterday.

2km brisk walking. 30-40min. (i personally think that to start off with running is not a good idea. i'll take this on gradually)
stretching. light kicking. sit-ups.  

like what everyone say no pain no gain.
never give up.

Thursday, April 21, 2011

day one

10km on stationary bike
average speed 22 kmh 
112.4 cal

followed by
weight lifting. 
sit ups 24 


unofficially i am 130kg. 178cm. which means my BMI is 41. which also means unfortunately;

i am obese. a borderline hypertension. and i am 29.

i am married to a beautiful woman. blessed with a 1year old little girl.

i wasn't always like this. i was a taekwondo exponent. represented my college throughout my years there. but one there was that one particular thing happened to me. i think it is called the REBOUND syndrome. happens to most athletes. all the weight had apparently catch up to athletes when they stop practicing. as in my case i gained 30kgs since i graduated in 06.

my resolution; like every single one of us overweights. we want to lose it. but unlike others, i am going to do it naturally.

no pills. no get-slim drinks/solutions. no enrolling myself into slimming center and waste thousands to lose weight.

because to me; all those that i've mentioned above. only make you lose weight. but what they don't do is help you get fit.

my aim is to get fit and lose weight. and i will try to document my journey. and put up updates on my progress.