Thursday, June 30, 2011

reboot day 2:

cycling 10km: 21min 30secs
biceps curls: 50
triceps curls: 50
deltoid curls: 50
sit ups: 50

faster by a minute

Wednesday, June 29, 2011

reboot day 1: Sad News

cycling 10km: 22min30sec
biceps curls: 50
triceps curls: 50
deltoid curls: 50
sit ups: 50

received news of a passing of a soul.
my aunt has returned to her creator. accompanied by her loved ones through her final hours.

a great woman. may she rest in peace.

Saturday, June 25, 2011


this is not working out.

gonna restart this workout scheme,
had been too long of a gap.

Sunday, June 19, 2011

really need some things out of my mind

really need some things out of my mind

it's actually driving me crazy for real.

can really do anything else without thinking about it.


Wednesday, June 15, 2011

day 55: it was magical

cycling 12 km : 30mins
biceps curls 50
triceps curls 50
quadricep curls 50
deltoid curls(sides) 50
bench press 25
sit ups 50

finally back on cardio workout. i didnt plan to cycle more than 10 km today but i did this while watching a video of a concert by iron maiden. i totally lost my track of time and distance. 1st i was at 4km then the next time i looked i was already at 11 km. 

gotta do that again

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

day 54: damn it... leave me in peace will ya?

biceps curls 50
triceps curls 50
quadricep curls 50
deltoid curls(sides) 50
deltoid curls(front) 50
sit ups 50

until it was interrupted by a phone call. got me all emotional angry and fucked up. i wish i have my punching bag at home. an array of punches should do it. damn it. can't i be left alone. can't i not find out what i had found out.

finding out that you are being lied to is not fun. damn it.

Wednesday, June 8, 2011

day 48: the new old thing.

seven day hiatus. summary: sucked. with emotional roller coaster to boot. the single thing that made my day everyday is seeing my little girl playing running jumping hugging non stop. the other day she seemed to how bad i was feeling she came and hugged me and kissed me. and she's only 18 months old.

cardio: skipping 100 jumps
biceps curls: 50
triceps curls: 50
shoulder lifts: 50
quadriceps curls: 50
hamstring curls: 50
sit ups 50

about skipping; it hurt. but not on the ankles. it was the flabs on my tummy.
was it good? i don't know.
all those jumps caused the flab to jump too
and no kidding, it hurt.

but i am going to do it again.
no pain no gain

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

day forty one: back on track minus cardio-workout.

sit ups 45
biceps curls 50
triceps curls 50
shoulder lifts 50

my little princess slept soundly tonight. so i have enough time to workout. 
not too much sweat. but i am satisfied by the amount of muscle works i did. 
after about 2 weeks away from workout. i'm good.